Modeling decks not available through the bridge modeler
Modeling decks not available through the bridge modeler
On this page:
The bridge modeler provides design templates for conventional deck-section types, including flat slab, concrete box girder, and steel girder with a cast-in-place deck. Modeling decks not available through the bridge modeler must be done with direct methods. The advanced modeling features available for direct bridge-deck modeling include the following:
Spine model
- Use the section designer to develop the bridge cross section.
- Model the bridge superstructure using frame elements to extend the cross section. For complex bridge profiles, CSiBridge allows users to create bridge geometry using dummy bridge deck sections, then replace the dummy sections with a section from the section designer.
Area model
- Use frame elements to develop the bridge-deck cross section.
- Create area elements by extruding frame elements along bridge layout lines with the Edit > Extrude > Extrude Lines to Areas option. Users may specify an advanced extrusion path using custom coordinates or a predefined curve.
Solid model
- Use shell elements to develop the bridge deck cross section.
- Extrude the shell elements into solid elements by extruding the cross section along bridge layout lines using the Edit > Extrude > Extrude Areas to Solids option.
Obtaining bridge superstructure forces and stresses
When a bridge is modeled directly, bridge object force and stress diagrams are no longer created automatically. In this case, users should define multiple section cuts along the bridge superstructure to obtain bridge force and stress diagrams. This is known as post-processing section-cut results.
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