Flange leakage check
For evaluation of external loads on weld neck flanges to avoid leakage, CSiPlant provides built-in design checks per ASME Sec. VIII-1 paragraph UG-44 (formerly Code Case 2901) which represents ASME’s latest research.
When importing or defining a flange, users can specify an ASME B16.5 or B16.47 library flange material to account for temperature dependent pressure rating values. The flange leakage check equations in ASME BPVC.VIII.1 UG-44(b)(4) require this temperature dependent pressure rating data, so be sure to select a flange material for your flange using the flange definition tab by clicking the 'Material type' field if you want a flange leakage check to be performed.
Under the Design requests Operating cases tab, users can specify which operating cases that they want to use for flange leakage checks and spring hanger sizing.
See CSiPlant Help menu>Documentation>Design>Codes>Supplemental to view the "Flange Leakage Checks" design manual for more details or download the design manual here.