Restart License Manager Service

When network license search fails or network licenses are unavailable, the first thing to try is restart the license manager service. This can be done via one of the methods described in this article.

On this page:

Option 1: Restart within License Manager Installation Folder

  • Run loadls.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel RMS License Manager\WinNT folder (if License Manager is installed in the default location)
  • Run it twice - first selecting Remove (this stops the license manager service) and then run a second time, selecting Add, and making sure not change Executable Path, (this starts the license manager service)

Option 2: Restart from within Windows Services

Start Menu > right-click on Computer > Manage (OR Control Panel\System and Securities\Administrative Tools > Computer Management) > select Services > find Sentinel RMS License Manager > right-click Restart