Spandrel design
Spandrel design
Spandrel design
- Wall spandrel design is performed only at the right- most and left-most end of each spandrel. If spandrel is expected to behave mostly in flexure, (i.e high length to depth ratio), the user should use different spandrels labels along the span in order to capture bottom positive reinforcement at mid span.
Within seismic spandrels, longitudinal and diagonal reinforcement are resolved independently :
- Longitudinal reinforcement is based on the flexural stresses that are resolved according to conventional beam conditions at end of each spandrels label as described above. These values are dependent upon section dimensions and moment demands.
- Diagonal reinforcement is determined through shear calculation, and reported in addition to orthogonal shear reinforcement only when spandrel length/depth is less than 4.0, as required by code. Spandrels with small legth/depth ratio are typically governed by shear demand, rather than flexural. Additional information on spandrel shear design is available through Help Documentation > Shear wall design.
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