Revit Structural Families Installation

Revit Structural Families Installation

When the program indicates that Structural column or framing families are missing in the Revit Installation, the user will need to install additional content packs.

Below is the download link for Revit


This is also  explained in latest CSIxRevit ReadMe file , refer to the  Installation Instructions section.

The link below from Autodesk also provides  further explanation

Install additional Revit content libraries | Revit 2020 | Autodesk Knowledge Network

After installing the Revit content libraries, make sure that Revit knows where to find them by running the Revit command Options, and then the File Locations tab, and then the Places… button.

Alternatively, if you would rather use local Revit content libraries, you can wait for the installation of CSiXRevit to complete and then edit the CSiXRevit Family Name Mapping.txt located in the folder in which CSiXRevit has been installed. Detailed instructions can be found in Appendix A of the CSiXRevit 2025 Manual.