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{live-template:Tutorial} Complicated\\ This tutorial demonstrates the assignment of complicated [joint patterns|kb:Joint pattern DRAFT] can be created bypatterns using [interactive database editing|kb:interactiveInteractive database editing]. ForThe illustrationprocess purposes, let's assume that you need to assign a complicated joint pattern that described byoutlined below will follow the development of a model where coordinates are a function of jointglobal globalthe Z coordinate-axis. This typeJoint-pattern ofassignment jointusing patterninteractive candatabase beediting appliedproceeds using the following stepsas follows: (1). Define a new joint pattern viathrough "Define > Joint Patterns > Add New Pattern > Name". (2) Use interactive database editing (". Select Edit > Interactive Database Editing"), andthen select the following two tables listed below, as shown in Figure 1: * MODELModel DEFINITIONDefinition > Connectivity Data > Joint Coordinates > Table: Joint Coordinates * MODELModel DEFINITIONDefinition > Joint Assignments > Joint Item Assignments > Table: Joint Pattern Assignments" \\ !Complicated_joint_pattern_definintion_-_database_tables.png|align=center,border=0! Click OK to open the tables. (3) Select "Joint Coordinates" table in the drop-down list and click "To Excel". This will open the joint coordinates table in Excel {center-text}Figure 1 - Select database tables for interactive editing{center-text} \\ 3. To open the Joint Coordinates table in Excel, select OK, then select the Joint Coordinates table from the scroll-down menu, then select the To Excel option. The tables will be presented as shown in theFigure 2: figure below:\\ !Complicated_joint_pattern_definintion_-_joint_coordinates.png|align=center,border=0! (4){center-text}Figure 2 - Joint Coordinates{center-text} \\ 4. Save the Excel file., then Inin thethis saved Excel file, create a new column that will contain the values for the joint -pattern. These values. canSpecify bethe specifiedvalues as a function of the joint Z coordinate. for (5) Click "Cancel Excel" button on the "each joint. 5. In the Interactive Database Editing" form menu, select the Cancel Excel option. (6). Select the "Joint Pattern Assignments" table in the dropscroll-down listmenu, andthen clickselect "To Excel" to open the table in Excel. From the previously saved Excel file, cutcopy and paste columns, withincluding joint labels and joint -pattern values, to this new Excel file with Joint Pattern Assignments. When done, click "Select From Excel" and> "Done" buttons to update [SAP2000 tables.|sap2000:home] database tables, as shown in Figure 3: \\ !Joint_pattern_assignments.png|align=center,border=0! (7){center-text}Figure 3 - Joint-pattern assignment{center-text} \\ 7. Finally, useselect "Display > Show Misc Assigns > Joints" menuto commandgraphically to review the joint pattern assignments, as shown in Figure 4: \\ !Complicated_joint_pattern_definintion_-_review_assignment.png|align=center,border=0! {center-text}Figure 4 - Assignment review{center-text} |
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