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{live-template:Tutorial} To include time dependent properties (such as [kb:Creep], [kb:Shrinkage], or change of Young's Modulus E) in the analysis, it is necessary to setup the model as described below. h1. Define a Staged Construction Load Case * [kb:Staged construction] load case must be set up by using "Define > Load Cases > Add New Load Case" menu command. Select load case type "Static" and analysis type "Nonlinear Staged Construction". * Be sure to specify nonzero durations in stage definition. * Check the "Time Dependent Material Properties" option on the "Nonlinear Parameters" form. !Staged_construction_time_dependent_analysis.png! h1. Specify Time Dependent Properties On the "Time Dependent Material Properties for Concrete", you would also need to specify for which material properties the time dependence should be considered: !Define_time_dependent_properties_for_concrete.png! h1. See Also * {new-tab-link:}CSI{new-tab-link} [_Analysis Reference Manual, chapter "_|doc:Analysis Reference Manual] (Nonlinear Static Analysis", section> "Staged Construction", page 396) for additional information about theregarding staged construction analysis |
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