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{live-template:Tutorial} \\ This tutorial demonstrates the assignment of *complicated joint-coordinate patterns* using [interactive database editing|kb:Interactive database editing]. The process outlined below will follow the development of a model where coordinates are a function of the global the Z-axis. [Joint|kb:Joint]\-pattern assignment using interactive database editing proceeds as follows: 1. Define a new joint pattern through Define > Joint Patterns > Add New Pattern > Name. 2. Select Edit > Interactive Database Editing, then select the two tables listed below, as shown in Figure 1: * Model Definition > Connectivity Data > Joint Coordinates > Table: Joint Coordinates * Model Definition > Joint Assignments > Joint Item Assignments > Table: Joint Pattern Assignments \\ !Complicated_joint_pattern_definintion_-_database_tables.png|align=center,border=0! {center-text}Figure 1 - Select database tables for interactive editing{center-text} \\ 3. To open the Joint Coordinates table in Excel, select OK, then select the Joint Coordinates table from the scroll-down menu, then select the To Excel option. The tables will be presented as shown in Figure 2: \\ !Complicated_joint_pattern_definintion_-_joint_coordinates.png|align=center,border=0! {center-text}Figure 2 - Joint Coordinates{center-text} \\ 4. Save the Excel file, then in this saved file, create a new column for the joint-pattern values. Specify the values as a function of the Z coordinate for each joint. 5. In the Interactive Database Editing menu, select the Cancel Excel option. 6. Select the Joint Pattern Assignments table in the scroll-down menu, then select To Excel to open the table in Excel. From the previously saved Excel file, copy and paste columns, including joint labels and joint-pattern values, to this new Excel file. Select From Excel > Done to update [SAP2000|sap2000:home] database tables, as shown in Figure 3: \\ !Joint_pattern_assignments.png|align=center,border=0! {center-text}Figure 3 - Joint-pattern assignment{center-text} \\ 7. Finally, select Display > Show Misc Assigns > Joints to graphically review the joint pattern assignments, as shown in Figure 4: \\ !Complicated_joint_pattern_definintion_-_review_assignment.png|align=center,border=0! {center-text}Figure 4 - Assignment review{center-text} |
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