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{live-template:Tutorial} {info} This tutorial was initially written for [SAP2000|sap2000:home], butthough the general procedure applies also to [CSiBridge|csibridge:home]. {info} \\ {on-this-page} The\\ procedureAn tooverview runof pushoverthe analysisprocedure infor SAP2000*pushover V12analysis* is outlinedgiven byas thefollows: steps listed below. h1. Create the Computercomputational Modelmodel * Create the basiccomputational computer model, (without the pushover data), using in the usual manner. conventional [modeling|kb:Modeling techniques] techniques. * Define properties for [pushover [hinges|kb:Hinge] using Define > Section Properties > Hinge Properties. menuHinges command.may Thebe programdefined includesmanually severalor defaultby build-inusing hingeone propertiesof andseveral thedefault user-definedspecifications propertieswhich are also available. * Assign the pushover hinges to theselected [frame elements in the model by |kb:Frame] objects using Assign > Frame > Hinges. menu command.* *Select Define > Load Patterns to define [Loadload patternpatterns|kb:Load pattern] (Define > Load Patterns) that which will contain the loads to be applied induring the pushover analysis. h1. Define Nonlinear Static Load Case * Definea nonlinear static nonlinear [load case|kb:load case] using * Select Define > Load Cases > Add New Load Case menuto command.define Load pattern specified in the previous step would be entered as the applied load. Thea [nonlinear|kb:Nonlinear] static [load case|kb:load case] which will apply the previously-defined load pattern. This load case canmay be force -controlled, that is, (pushed to a certainspecified defined force level,) or they can be displacement -controlled, this is, (pushed to a specificspecified displacement). * SetSelect Other Parameters > Results Saved to Multiple States, thissuch willthat enablevarious youparameters tomay plotbe various parametersplotted for each increment of the applied loadloading. h1. Run Thethe Analysisanalysis * Analyze the model usingSelect Analyze > Run Analysis menu run the static-pushover analysis. h1. Review Resultsresults * Display > Show Static Pushover Curve enables you to To plot base shear vs. monitored displacement, select Display as> wellShow asStatic otherPushover plotsCurve. *Additional variables Displayare >also Showavailable Hingefor Resultsplotting. enables you* toTo plot thehinge deformation of the hinges vs. the applied loadsloading, select suchDisplay as> plasticShow rotationHinge ofResults. theMoment hingeas vs.a moment.function *of Useplastic Displayrotation >is Showone Deformedsuch Shapeoption. menu command* toTo review displaceddisplacement shapeand and athe step-by-step sequence of hinge formation, on a step-by-step basis. * Reviewselect Display > Show Deformed Shape. * To review member forces on a step-by-step basis, usingselect Display > Show Forces/Stresses > Frames/Cables menu. command. * UseSelect Display > Show Plot Functions to plot various outputs (such asresponse at each step of the pushover analysis, including joint displacementsdisplacement, frame member forces) at each step of the pushover analysis., etc. h1. See Also * {new-tab-link:}CSI{new-tab-link} [_Analysis Reference Manual_|doc:CSI Analysis Reference Manual] (Nonlinear Static Analysis > Static Pushover Analysis, page 394) * Ashraf Habibullah and Stephen Pyle: Habibullah, A., Pyle, S. (1998). [_Practical Three Dimensional Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis, Structure Magazine, Winter 1998 ( available for download from [_ |], )Computers *and Static Pushover Analysis Watch & Learn video available from [Structures, Inc., Berkeley, CA * CSI {new-tab-link:}Watch & Learn{new-tab-link} video series, [SAP2000|sap2000:home] Tutorial 21, Static Pushover Analysis |
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