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*Web-activated licensing* is described as follows:
h2. For how long is the activation key valid?
*ANSWER:* The activation key is valid indefinitely for a given product version and level. The activation key is only required when reactivating the software. The activation key is not necessary for [license|kb:Licensing] renewal. Any change to the software version or level will create a new activation key that must be entered to license the new software.
*NOTE:* Save a copy of the activation key such that you may use it to reactivate the software.
h2. What happens when the license expires after two years?
*ANSWER:* When the [license|kb:Licensing] expires, the software will prompt you to directly obtain a new license by way of internet connection without contacting {new-tab-link:}CSI{new-tab-link} or your dealer. An activation key will not be required for this process.
h2. To which software does web-activated licensing apply?
*ANSWER:* Web-activated licensing will apply to all major {new-tab-link:}CSI{new-tab-link} products as their subsequent major release becomes available. |
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