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This page describes possible approaches for performing cyclic [pushover analysis|kb:Pushover].\\

*Cyclic pushover analysis* may be performed using either of two approaches, outlined as follows:



h1. Sequence of nonlinear -static load cases

CyclicFirst, cyclic [pushover|kb:Pushover] analysis canmay be carriedperformed out bythrough performing a sequence of chained pushover analyses. Two key aspects of this approach are provided belowinclude:

* Each pushover analysis would be pushing the structure in the opposite direction when comparedopposite to thethat pushof direction for the immediately preceding pushover [load case|kb:Load case].

* Each pushover load case, exceptaside forfrom the first one, would beuse using stiffness at the end of the previous pushover load case.

h1. Time -history load casecases

AnotherAn alternate approach is to use a single nonlinear [time -history|kb:Time-history analysis] load case.

However,Some special considerations are necessary when using a time -history load case requiresto somemodel specialapplied considerationsloading, tolisted modelas thatfollows:
applied* loadsLoad should be scaled up (or down) to achieve the desired monitored pushover displacement desired for each cycle. 

* The [time function|kb:Time function] wouldshould consist of linear segments that wouldwhich apply the loads in one direction and then reverse them in the otherreverse, directionpossibly (with perhaps a constant segment to "hold" the loads before reversingtheir them)reverse. The
positive* andFor negativeeach valuescycle ofin the time function atsequence, the endpeak ofpositive eachand cyclenegative wouldtime-function needvalues tomust be found in for each cycle in the sequence, starting with the first cycle of load application.


A sample Sampleof a time function is shown in Figure the1:

!time function.png|align=center,border=1!0!

{center-text}Figure 1 - Cyclic time function{center-text}