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Wiki Markup
This page containsis devoted to *frequently asked questions* (FAQ) related to *[lanes|kb:laneLane]*.



h1. General

h2. How does SAP2000 internally distributes are moving loads redistributed from lanes to framesframe objects?

Each lane is [discretized by [lane loading points||kb:Lane discretization] according to its geometry and the plan-view intersection between [layout lines|kb:Layout line] and structural objects. The lane [influence|kb:Influence surface] line, or surface, is then interpolated from the set of [lane-load points|kb:Lane-load point] created from whichthe thediscretization. influenceThe linemoving orloads surfaceapplied forto the entirelane are lanedistributed is interpolated. Load appliedto lane-load points according to eachtributary lanearea, loadingthen pointredistributed, isthrough [distributed|lane-to-object connections|kb:Lane-to-object connection], to the [joints tributary to the lane loading point|kb:Joint] of frame objects. 

Please see the [Lane discretization|kb:Lane discretization], [Lane-load point|kb:Lane-load point], and [Lane-to-object connection|kb:Lane-to-object connection] articles for additional information.


Skewed lane:*
* {email:date=3/25/2011|from=ok|to=iw|subject=skewed lane|comment=skewed lane|id=7635089}