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{info} This page describes errors and suggestions for their resolution. {info} \\ {on-this-page} h1. Installation errors h2. Error # 1722 "*Error Message:* Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected." * This error message sometimesis occurslinked duringto the partphase of the installation thatassociated is installingwith DirectX. The Iterror usually meansindicates that DirectX is in use at the time of installation. We would recommend In the event of its occurrence, it is recommended that users re-bootingboot the system and re-installinginstall, choosing Repair. An Oreven better yet, option is to uninstall first, then reboot, and re-install. {hidden-content} *Related IncidentsIncident: * * {incident:no=36586|comment=Installation error 1722.} {hidden-content} h1. Windows Errorserrors and Errorserrors with Errorerror Codescodes h2. Overview of Windowswindows Relatedrelated Errorserrors * [Windows XP SP3 Sows Havoc, Users Complain|{new-tab-link:] \- The problems with XP SP3 range from spontaneous reboots to outright system crashes. At [|library/ms681381%28VS.85%29.aspx}System Error Codes{new-tab-link} - This article describes negative error codes for file operations which indicate the negative of a Windows code. * {new-tab-link:] * Negative error codes for file operations indicate the negative of a Windows code: []./news/windows/operatingsystems/207600950}Windows XP SP3 Sows Havoc, Users Complain{new-tab-link} - This {new-tab-link:}InformationWeek{new-tab-link} article describes spontaneous reboots and system crashes which occur with XP SP3. h2. File Write Error # #44 * File Write Error # #44 occurs when nonlinear modal time-history results exceed the 2GB file size allocated for data. Please see the [Modal time-history results exceeding 2GB|kb:Nonlinear modal time-history results exceeding 2GB] pagearticle for additional details and suggestions for resolution. h2. Error # \-32 * [SAP2000|sap2000:home] error # \-32 corresponds to Windows error code # 32,. whichThis is a sharing violation as described at [] The error is most likely due to the file in question being used by another process. This Youerror should be able to resolve this errorresolved by closing all other programs that may be potentially using the file, or by restarting your computerthe computer. Additional details may be found on the Windows {new-tab-link:}System Error Codes{new-tab-link} page. h2. Error # 41 *Error Message:* Error 41: Allocate Error # #4141 * Error # 41 is due to insufficient virtual memory. If the model is large and is reachingreaches memory limits, there may not be any fix for this errorresolution other than reducing the size of the model. * Those Onusing an XP system you may be able to get a little moreincrease virtual memory by changing the c:\boot.ini file to allow 3GB per process. This should be done by a technician who understands the implications of making this change. A Under similar circumstances, a 64-bit machine may not haveexperience this problem, butthough a slightly larger model may yetthen run intoapproach memory limits. * Another approach tomay trybe is to close the program and, re-open it, andthen try to extract results, perhaps for a subset of the model and/or a subset of the tables. Using It may also be useful to implement the [OAPI|kb:API] may also help. {hidden-content} *Related Incidents and EmailsEmail:* * {incident:no=31943|comment=Explanation of error 41 by bm} \\ ** {email:date=1/28/2011|from=bm|to=mnk|subject=Memory allocate error 41|comment=|id=6881465} \\ * {incident:no=42148|comment=Strategies to mitigate error 41.} {hidden-content} h2. Error # 112 *Error Message:* {code} ERROR_DISK_FULL 112 (0x70) There is not enough space on the disk. {code} * As described in the error message, Error # 112 is associated with there not being enough disk space to perform a process. h2. Error # 430 when exporting to Excel To resolve thiserror # error430, please tryon the followingmachine onproducing the machineerror, thatplease is givingcomplete the Errorfollowing 430process: (1)# Unregister DAO by clickingselecting "Start, > Run", copy and paste the line followingbelow, andthen clickselect OK \\ \\ regsvr32 /U "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO360.dll" \\ \\ (2)# Re-register the DAO by clickingselecting "Start, > Run", copy and paste the line followingbelow, andthen clickselect OK \\ \\ regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO360.dll" {hidden-content} *Related emailsemail:* * {email:from=rs|to=ok|date=10/8/2010|subject=Unable to export to Excel|comment=Suggests to re-register DAO to prevent Error 430.|id=6357124} {hidden-content} h2. Error # 480 * Error # 480 is related to insufficient graphics memory. The best way to handle this iterror is to use a lower resolution and/or fewer colors. IfUser youwho have a graphics accelerator, youmay can also try changing the amount of acceleration to something less than the full value and see if that helps. h1. Analysis Errors h2. Cannot run analysis\! * This error is triggered by a model having no joints, or having elements of a particular type, but without any of the corresponding properties. {hidden-content} *Related incidentsIncident:* * {incident:no=33808|comment=Explanation of the "Cannot run analysis!" error} \\ ** {email:date=4/4/2011|from=bm|to=ok|subject=Cannot run analysis error|comment=Explanation of the error|id=7635147} {hidden-content} h2. Error Autoauto Meshingmeshing Areaarea Objectobject *Troubleshooting tips:* We usually use A whole-to-part approach to troubleshoot such issues. Basically, you go on deleting is best for troubleshooting this type of issue. Users should incrementally delete the model incrementallyto tillisolate the problem areas are isolated. If the problem area has more than 4 nodes, and the programsoftware is unable to mesh itthe thenregion, it is likely that thisthe area (and assignmentsthe associated with it)assignments do not go to the analysis model at all. This Givenis that,most itlikely isthe recommendedsource thatof thisthe issue be resolved. h2. Error in computing frame section locations * When this error triggers, Youusers should verify that the auto -meshing tolerance is smaller than the anticipated auto-mesh meshed member length. {verify} {hidden-content} *See alsoAlso:* [t:Error (internal)|t:Error] {hidden-content} h1. Other errors h2. Database formatting data is corrupt *Error Message:* Database formatting data is corrupt and has been refilled by the program. Please check the Options menu > Set Program Default Display Units command. * This error may be relatedassociated towith the factfile thatbeing thesaved fileto isa savedlocation where the programsoftware does not have full read / write access. If this is the case, the issue canmay be resolved by saving the file locally and re-opening it. {hidden-content} *Related IncidentsIncident:* * {incident:no=32261|comment=Possible explanation of the error.} Other errors: * {incident:no=32644|comment=FILE WRITE ERROR # 4. THE DISK MAY BE FULL, THERE MAY BE A SHARING CONFLICT, YOU MAY HAVE INSUFFICIENT RIGHTS, OR SOME OTHER ERROR MAY HAVE OCCURRED. (This error could be also caused by a 2GB size limit on the file size created during modal time history analysis.} {hidden-content} |
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